Artistic abilities vary just as much in adults as they do in children. Some of us are natural-born painters and creators, while others struggle to draw a stick man. If you're in this second camp, have no fear — you are not alone.

At times, we hesitate jumping in on our kid’s crafts because we're afraid it won't be perfect. But it’s okay if you can’t cut an arrow-straight line or paint a perfect flower. Did you know that there are a variety of benefits when it comes to crafting with your kids, regardless of your skill level? So, the next time your child picks up a paintbrush or a glue stick, you can feel confident joining in on the fun with them knowing it benefits you and them in these six ways.

1) Crafting teaches the ability to follow instructions carefully.
Remember that time you tried to build furniture, thinking 'na, I don't need the instructions'? We've all been down that road, fumbling with the extra pieces or attempting to jam others together. Following instructions is a valuable lesson to learn at any age, but especially to teach our kids. Crafts teach children not only to follow instructions, but more importantly that if they don’t follow them, projects don’t always turn out well. The negative consequences of not following the instructions leaves room in your post-craft conversation for how they could improve next time.

1) Crafting teaches the ability to follow instructions carefully.
Remember that time you tried to build furniture, thinking 'na, I don't need the instructions'? We've all been down that road, fumbling with the extra pieces or attempting to jam others together. Following instructions is a valuable lesson to learn at any age, but especially to teach our kids. Crafts teach children not only to follow instructions, but more importantly that if they don’t follow them, projects don’t always turn out well. The negative consequences of not following the instructions leaves room in your post-craft conversation for how they could improve next time.

2) A finished craft leaves your child feeling proud of their accomplishments.
If they’ve followed the instructions properly, your child will smile at a job well done. This teaches children to take pride in their work, whether it be a craft, a school project or baking a cake. Crafting can also help your kids work on their independence, showing them that hard work will pay off. This creates lasting effects, like increased confidence and self-esteem that you both can enjoy.

3) Crafting teaches teamwork.
Like many things in life, crafting requires cooperation and communication. Whether it’s two siblings trying to build a craft kit or several classmates painting together, crafting teaches the value of teamwork. Learning how to work together and consider other viewpoints is a great life skill for your child to learn early on. Crafting can show your child how the contributions of others are important to the functioning and end result of the whole project. So, hop in there with your child or invite their friend over for a fun day of creating.

4) Bond with your child over crafts.
Working on a craft together provides you with the opportunity to share lessons, fix mistakes and talk about what worked well with your child. Instead of attempting to talk during screentime, crafting gives you a window to make meaningful conversation while working towards a common goal. It also gives you the opportunity to take a break from technology and share a special experience with your child. Win-win! (Download our screen-free kids guide here!)

5) Regular crafting helps ease stress.
After a long day at work, we seek out ways to relax and de-stress when we get home. Crafts can be a great way to do this, not only for kids, but for parents too! The process can help us focus on the task at hand and forget the frustrating encounters of the day. Simply put, crafts are a great way to unwind, relax and learn while creating special moments with your child.

6) Crafts teach skills for all ages.
Did you know studies show that we learn best by doing? Crafting regularly will help your child work on a variety of skills, depending on their activity. For example, crafts can teach technical skills, like cutting, measuring and angles, as well as logical skills, like problem solving, planning and following instructions. The best part is that to your child, it doesn’t feel like learning but more like having fun doing new things, especially now when there are a variety of craft kits made to teach your kids sewing, embroidery, soap-making and so much more. 
And this is just the beginning of positive benefits gained from regular crafting, regardless of your or your children's age. We have an assortment of craft kits suited for children ages 7-13, so your child can continue learning at home. Crafting is a timeless activity that kids have been doing for centuries, and will continue to do so as long as we help foster their creative spirit.
If you’re looking for a craft to keep your child occupied while helping them work on valuable life skills, check out our CraftLab craft kits here.